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André Romão (PT)
Boris Charmatz & César Vayssié (FR)
Brice Dellsperger (FR)
Claudia Maté (ES)
Diogo Evangelista (PT)
Gregor Rozanski (PL)
João Onofre (PT)
João Pedro Vale & Nuno Alexandre Ferreira (PT)
Tania Bruguera (CU)
Tiago Alexandre (PT)
Under an invitation of the electronic music festival Lisboa Dance Festival, BoCA conceived the exhibition VISCERAL MONUMENTS, that will take place in 2 warehouses of Hub Criativo do Beato, on 9 – 10 march.
If dance is an image of movement, it is also the image of any true creative act. All authentic creation, necessary – the struggle for recognition of the other, of the diversity, a political gesture, the implementation of a belief – is a dance, in the sense in which this act, this creation, summons the body in its totality, it awakes internal and archaic rhythms.
The exhibition VISCERAL MONUMENTS presents itself as a dance, in the sense that it builds monuments to organic and festive bodies, tirelessly, through its beats. Like music, dance can be an expression of order, fascination and reiteration of the collective.
Curator: John Romão
Production: BoCA – Biennial of Contemporary Arts
Executive production: Francisco Leone
Production assistant: Inês Matos
Setting: ADLC
Technical support: Carlos Ramos
Partnership: Lisboa Dance Festival
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Ministério da Cultura / Direção-Geral das Artes