BoCA Summer School was in the Monsanto Forest with Mariana Tengner Barros, Gustavo Ciríaco and Pedro Ramos

In the forest of Monsanto, the tripartite workshop “Inside the Forest, Body and Imagination” took place, with Mariana Tengner Barros, Gustavo Ciríaco and Pedro Ramos.
Each of the artists directed a laboratory in which different practices related to dance and the performing arts were explored, in relation to the body, nature and perception. Mariana Tengner Barros began by exploring some of the tools that she incorporates into her work, transposed into the natural space. Gustavo Ciríaco turned attention to relationships between narrative structures of Greek tragedy in relation to nature and the concept of landscape. In the last laboratory, Pedro Ramos proposed a vision of the body as a piece of nature, with a movement that is discovered.
Next workshop at BoCA Summer School
“Phenomena of Society and Critical and Artistic Distance”
with ORLAN
09.30: 14:30-18:30 + 19:00 (public talk)
10.01 and 10.02: 15h-19h
Location: MAAT – Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology
More information and registration HERE.
Given the partnership with the GDA Foundation, its artist-cooperators benefit from discounts at the BoCA Summer School.