Summer School

BoCA Summer School: Sculpting Voices, with Niño de Elche
A voice workshop is a space where voices are worked on, in other words, where the air and its soul are sculpted. In this workshop, the "ex-flamenco" musician Niño de Elche proposes that we understand voices as a vector for a wide variety of identities, more like a facilitating lie than a pure and authentic truth.

BoCA Summer School: Distortion, by Sofia Dias & Vítor Roriz
In this workshop, Sofia and Vítor present a series of research and improvisation tools that work on the relationship between gesture and movement with the word and the voice – the word, assumed as malleable matter that exists beyond its meaning; and the voice, as the excess that "overflows" the bodies.

BoCA Summer School: The Engineering of Necessity, with Gabriel Chaile
In this workshop, Chaile shares his artistic journey and practice, between the idea of ‘social sculpture’ and performance. During two days, at MNAC and in his Studio, the artist will address issues relating to the functionality of the precarious, sustainability, co-operativism, decolonialism and all kinds of social projects.