Open Call | The Defence of Nature is back in Lisbon
12 January 2023

© Bruno Simão
“A Defesa da Natureza” is back in Lisbon, the result of a partnership between BoCA and the Lisbon City Council, with the aim of planting 480 trees on January 28th, at 9:30 am, on Avenida Santo Condestável. Sign up by January 26th and join us to continue the creation of this forest of works of art.
In 2023, BoCA continues to defend nature, planting and programming in natural spaces, in a 10-year project, inspired by the work “7,000 Oaks”, by artist Joseph Beuys. With the collaboration of the local population, these natural/artistic creations form part of plantations throughout the country. In these plantations, each person assigns a title to their tree/artistic creation.
Free participation. Know more here.
Sign up using the form here.