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In recent years, the choreographer and dancer Mariana Tengner Barros has “the need to search for dormant memories of the collective unconscious, invoked rituals, invented, the awakening of entities.”
In “Instructions for the Gods” she questions: “What if we had the ability to figure out how to reach these connecting roads and reminisce about what we think we do not know? What if we were gods telling ourselves these stories, hoping to remember what was forbidden us?” In this construction, music plays a fundamental role, which is lived in a profound breadth of time, space, and symbolic evocations. In the 5 hour ritual, it is created in collaboration with the musician Jonny Kadaver as PandemiCK and the fashion designer Estelita Mendonça.
The 9 dances are built through the practice of attention that follows a score of mantras. These mantras are compositions of voice / body and image / sound. There is a direct relationship with the music of PandemiCK – in which musical composition is based on the formation of circular incantations. Estelita Mendonça costumes work as transfiguration devices.
These refer to architectural constructions, such as “clothing-monument”, clothes that function as shelters, portable places of worship, temples of the nomadic becoming. The combination of these explorations in the body, in music and in the imagery, in the form of mantra, becomes a manifestation or instruction that is incorporated and spoken. The nine dances are organized in cycle of about 5 hours, without interval. Public can join the rite and witness the process in its entirety or come in and out whenever he wants.
Artistic Direction Mariana Tengner Barros
Performers Mariana Tengner Barros, PandemiCK
Music PandemiCK
Costumes Estelita Mendonça
Photography Vítor Rosário
Production BoCA
Co-production A Bela Associação
Support Nuno Miguel, Belalab, Ana Sousa