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“A Play of Selves” is a visual story made up of 72 staged photographs that Cindy Sherman created around the idea of a young woman who is pursued by the various alter egos fighting inside her. Crinabel Teatro is a pioneering project in Portugal that develops long-term projects with young people with mental disabilities, in collaboration with different dramaturges and artists, under the direction of Marco Paiva.
In “Guia Prático para Artists Ocupados,” filmmaker Edgar Pêra and digital and electronic music platform Digitópia challenge the border between fiction and reality, in an attempt to find, between the creative universe of Cindy Sherman’s photography and Crinabel Teatro, a way to challenge paradigmatic forms and contents, and question absolute meanings.
Performers António Coutinho, Ana Rosa Mendes, Andreia Farinha, Carolina Sousa Mendes, Carlos Jorge, Filipe Madeira, Hugo Fernandes, Joana Honório, João Leon, João Pedro Conceição, Rui Fonseca, Ricardo Peres, Tomás Almeida
Sound space Digitópia
Light Designer Nuno Samora
Video Edgar Pêra
Staging Assitants Maria de Lurdes Neto, Tiago Gonçalves, Júlia Luís
Co-production BoCA, Casa da Música, Crinabel Teatro
Supports Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Fundo de Fomento Cultural