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The word Brazil has its origins in the large number of pau-brasil trees, existing in the region of the Brazilian coast. Brasil derives from ember, as this tree has a reddish, ember-colored sap. For years, these trees were harvested and sold to the European continent. We can say that it was one of the objects that most crossed the Atlantic. In recent years, new migratory groups have chosen Portugal or Brazil to carry out academic studies, in search of new work opportunities or simply to leave their country of origin for political reasons. But who are these new Brazilian and Portuguese migrants? What desires do you have when you decide to migrate?
In “Brasa” Tiago Cadete continues one of his theatrical research lines, that of questioning and critically looking at the historical relationship between Portugal and Brazil, following “Interviews” (2018), “Cicerone” (2020) or “Atlântico ” (2020). This time, he is accompanied by a cast of creators-interpreters from different backgrounds: Isabél Zuaa, Julia Salem, Tita Maravilha, Magnum Alexandre Soares, Ana Lobato, Dori Nigro, Gustavo Ciríaco and Raquel André.
Commissioned and co-produced by BoCA, it premiered at the Bienal BoCA 2021 in Faro and Lisbon and is now traveling to Santos, Brazil.
Creation and space: Tiago Cadete
With and co-creators: Júlia Salem, Keli Freitas, Magnum Alexandre Soares, Tiago Cadete, Tita Maravilha
On video: Ana Lobato, Dori Nigro, Gustavo Ciríaco, Isabél Zuaa, Raquel André
Creative assistant: Leonor Cabral
Costumes: Carlota Lagido
Light: Rui Monteiro
Camera: Afonso Sousa
Screen editing: António MV
Technical director: Nuno Patinho
Executive producer: Cláudia Teixeira
Financial management and administration: Vítor Alves Brotas
Press office: Mafalda Simões
Production: Co-pacabana
Commission and co-production: BoCA
Residences: Fábrica das Ideias / Gafanha da Nazaré (23 Miles), O Espaço do Tempo, Teatro da Malaposta, Teatro da Voz
Project funded by: Portuguese Republic – Culture / Directorate-General for the Arts
Institutional partner: Portuguese Republic – Ministry of Culture