Tiago Cadete
Tiago Cadete é artista multidisciplinar e doutor em artes PPGAV-UFRJ. Foi bolseiro da GDA – Gestão dos Direitos dos Artistas na Pós Graduação em Sistema Laban/Bartenieff- Faculdade de dança Angel Vianna/Laban. É licenciado em Teatro pela Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema. Realizou o curso Aprofundamento – Criação Artística na Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, e conduziu workshops e masterclasses com Romeo Castellucci, João Fiadeiro, João Mota, Alfredo Martins, Gustavo Ciríaco, Fernanda Eugénio, entre outros.
“Brasa” by Tiago Cadete continues one of his theatrical research lines, that of questioning and critically looking at the historical relationship between Portugal and Brazil, accompanied by a cast of creators-performers of different origins. The piece is a commission and co-production of BoCA 2021.
In “Brasa”, Tiago Cadete traces one of the lines of his theatrical research, that of the enquiry and critical approach to the historical relations between Portugal and Brazil, accompanied by a group of creatives-performers from diverse backgrounds: Isabél Zuaa, Julia Salem, Keli Freitas, Magnum Alexandre Soares, Ana Lobato, Dori Nigro, Gustavo Ciríaco and Raquel André.
In “Brasa”, Tiago Cadete traces one of the lines of his theatrical research, that of the enquiry and critical approach to the historical relations between Portugal and Brazil, accompanied by a group of creatives-performers from diverse backgrounds: Isabél Zuaa, Julia Salem, Keli Freitas, Magnum Alexandre Soares, Ana Lobato, Dori Nigro, Gustavo Ciríaco and Raquel André.