Under an invitation from BoCA, Polska creates her first theatre piece, “The Talking Car”, with a mixed international cast, including Albano Jerónimo, Iris Cayatte, Vera Mantero and Bartosz Bielenia. On stage, we see a group of people trying to find a way out of a speeding vehicle. They are accompanied by singing, large-scale digital puppets, observing their struggles with tender curiosity. The performers inside the car, on their way to an ever-changing destination, explore a variety of roles, genres and emotional states. Atmospheric, repetitive music and hypnotic background animations enhance the melancholy of this immersive tale: a tale about one’s role in the complex system combining human and nonhuman agents and socio-technological infrastructures.

Text and direction:
 Agniezska Polska
With: Albano Jerónimo, Bartosz Bielenia, Iris Cayatte, Vera Mantero and Nina Guo
Voice over: Jasmina Polak
Dramaturgy: Olga Drygas
Composition, music: Igor Klaczyski
Light design: Pedro Guimarães
Light operation: Teresa Antunes
Video and sound design: André Teixeira
Digital puppet animator: Jeremy Coubrough
Stage videos animation: Ewa Polska
Head of production: Hugo Alves Caroça
Technical support: Jorge Tejedor
Production: BoCA – Biennial of Contemporary Arts
Co-production: DE SINGEL, Nowy Teatr (Warsaw)
Support: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

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