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Theatre | Performance
The notion of reenactement, mainly associated with visual arts but expanding to other artistic territories, is gaining relevance and versatility in the discourse of contemporary cultural and artistic practices. Grouping central issues of politics and memory, the transmission of tradition, cultural appropriation and the ability to narrate and stage history, the concept of reenactement can be seen through a multitude of interesting and pertinent aspects.
The workshop “Cave of forgotten dreams” proposes to work with two different materials: on the one hand, the cave paintings present in the cave of Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc, the oldest testimony of art in Humanity; on the other, performative actions from the 60-70s, conceived by Vito Acconci, pioneer of visceral performance and architecture.
In the workshop, the grotto is that of the architectural and interior space of the body of the interpreters, where a new paradigm of visibility is processed. A paradigm in which the human body is simultaneously spectacle, the space of performance, the theme and the object of pleasure and danger.
The workshop is part of the program for the second edition of BoCA – Biennial of Contemporary Arts, which in 2019 will also take place in Braga, as well as in the cities of Lisbon and Porto.
Production: BoCA
Support: Braga City Council, Directorate-General for the Arts / Ministry of Culture, Gnration
Support to the BoCA Educational Program: Fundação GDA, Fundação Millennium BCP