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Punto de Fuga
Chile | Performance | New creation
“Punto de Fuga” is an interdisciplinary action that consists of the execution of three performances in open spaces: in the Chilean artistic community Cidade Aberta (Valparaíso), in the Magellan Strait (between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans) and in MAAT (Lisboa). This project, that has been re-equating issues about body-territory, architecture, public space, history or habitation, has also been developed in a broad understanding of the notion of time – it started two years ago – and of the notion of space – it started in Chile and culminates in the “transfer” to the oval room of MAAT from a series of performances and visual elements that unite the three territories.
The invitation is to experiment the public space passing the political and physical limits to understand it as an extension that includes the displacement and journey as elements integrating realities, that although are physically distant, are corporatized in it. The public space is then understood as the site and its transit, future and past. “Ponto de Fuga” is an artistic project that celebrates the 500 years of circumnavigation by Fernão de Magalhães. The work begins with a series of architectural, plastic and poetic actions that are performed in Cidade Abierta, where a hidden metric or poetry contained in the physical relationship between Portugal and America is to be uncovered.
Concept and performance Ciudad Abierta (Javier Correa Vergara, Sebastián de Larraechea Carvajal, Victoria Jolly Mujica)
With Ciudad Abierta and music, fine arts and architecture students
Coproduction BoCA and MAAT