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L’Aventure Invisible
Through the exceptional itineraries of three people forced to reinvent themselves, “L’Aventure Invisible” invites us to follow the course of an inner adventure, where no question is too intimate to ask. A journey into ourselves, under the skin of our face, into the meanderings of our brain. The autobiographical word is at the centre of “L’Aventure Invisible”, which explores the themes of identity, death and transformation.
An American scientist specialising in the brain who suffered a stroke herself and was thus able to study the damage of this accident from the inside. At 37, she lost all her memories and had to reinvent her personality from scratch. A man who was born with a degenerative disease and was the first patient to receive a full face transplant. Thanks to an experimental surgery, he now lives with the face of a man 25 years younger. An experimental filmmaker, who became obsessed with the mysterious photographic work of Claude Cahun, an iconic queer artist, feels a strange connection with her and discovers a radical way of thinking about identity by claiming neutral gender. These three voices come together to form a single conversation that questions the stability of our identities.
Founded in 2021 by Swedish director Marcus Lindeen and French-Swiss translator and playwright Marianne Ségol-Samoy, Wild Minds is an international artistic endeavour across performing arts, documentary and film. Based on extensive research and interviews, the projects focus on spectacular stories from real life, transforming them into sensitive, complex and poetic narratives for the stage or screen.
Text and staging: Marcus Lindeen
Artistic collaboration, dramaturgy and translation: Marianne Ségol-Samoy
With: Claron McFadden, Tom Menanteau and Franky Gogo
Based on interviews with Jill Bolte Taylor, Jérôme Hamon and Sarah Pucill
Music and sound design: Hans Appelqvist
Set design: Mathieu Lorry-Dupuy
Lighting: Diane Guérin
Film: Sarah Pucill
Stage direction, light and video operation: Dimitri Blin
Sound operation: Antoine Quoniam
Production: Comédie de Caen-CDN de Normandie in the framework of the Pôle Européen de création
Co-production: T2G-CDN de Gennevilliers, Festival d’Automne à Paris
Support: Institut Français, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Culture and Cité Internationale des Arts, Festival Les Boréales and Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Image: Maya Legos