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Devised by John Romão, artistic director of BoCA, the project “Sente-me, Ouve-me, Vê-me” [Feel Me, Heard Me, See Me] wants to distinguish through contemporary music one of the greatest artists of the 20th and 21st century: Helena Almeida (1934-2018).
Inspired by the expression of Morton Feldman, the composer who wrote music for Rothko’s paintings from Rothko Chapel in Houston, John Romão inquired on the importance of creating music from the visual work of Helena Almeida who developed between 1978-1979 the series “Sente-me, Ouve-me, Vê-me”.
Establishing a partnership with three music universities from three distinct cities (Lisbon, Porto and Braga) and uniting three curators (Ana Cristina Cachola, Delfim Sardo, Filipa Oliveira) and two composers (Dimitrios Andrikopoulos and Diogo Alvim) who commit to the tutorship by the project, it promotes a new Portuguese contemporary kind of creation centered in the relation between visual arts and music, allowing new webs of connection to spring in both.
In a collaboration with the Superior School of Music of Lis- bon (ESML), the Superior School of Music and Performance Arts of Porto (ESMAE) and the Department of Music of the University of Minho (Braga), each city is responsible for the rendition of each verb – “Sente-me / Feel me” in Lisbon; “Ouve-me / Hear me” in Porto; “Vê-me / See me” in Braga. Throughout four months the young composers and instrumentalists will receive training with the invited curators and arrangers with the objective of musically composing and performing each verb of Almeida’s series, con- structing a single artistic object by way of a stimulating dialogue between students from the different cities.
“Sente-me, Ouve-me, Vê-me” oozes the essence of BoCA, promoting the unique synergy between cities, institutions of higher education, cultural institutions, artistic territories and between young composers and instrumentalists. In the last days of the biennial, “Sente-me, Ouve-me, Vê-me” will take the shape of a concert, presented in the three cities and bringing together the three verbs of this series.
Curators/Tutorship Ana Cristina Cachola, Delfim Sardo, Filipa Oliveira
Composers/Tuturship Dimitrios Andrikopoulos, Diogo Alvim
Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa
Composers Marta Domingues, Sara Marita, Hugo Xavier
Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo
Composers Margarida Lázaro, Francisco Gomes, Catarina Vieira
Universidade do Minho / Departamento de Música
Instrumentalists Morgana Patriarca, Luís Salomé, Rui Rasteiro, José Tedim, João Lourenço
Partnerships Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Música e Artes do Espetáculo, Universidade do Minho, Teatro Nacional São Carlos, Casa das Artes, Museu D. Diogo de Sousa
Production BoCA
Supports Direção-Geral das Artes / Ministério da Cultura, Fundação Millennium BCP and Fundação Altice
Thanks to Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Galeria Filomena Soares