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BoCA Sub21 Faro / Ode to all dichotomies
BoCA Sub21 is a participatory and experimental project that was born during the first edition of the contemporary arts biennial. In Lisbon and Faro, two groups of young people followed the biennial’s programme and the issues that emerged from it, in a process of thought and creation that is now shared with the public in both cities.
“Ode to all dichotomies” is the creation of the group formed in the Algarve’s capital, a performance that will take place spontaneously throughout the municipality of Faro, starting at the Fábrica da Cerveja. “Ode” is the result of a combination of dichotomous principles: a hymn to the contradictions we have found in our being, invisibly present in the daily life of the city that unites us. By creating a parallel reality through the intersection of artistic disciplines, “Ode” will do for the city what a painting did for Dorian Grey: it revealed him to himself.
Performers and creators: Catarina Ferreira, Daniela Veiga, Marta Santos, Pedro Manuel
Creators: Diana Necker, Raúl Vieira
Artistic counselling: Catarina Gil, Cláudia Pedro, Dinis Gomes, José Jesus, Rogério Cão
Artistic mediation: Diogo Simão