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Corpo Visível – Cesariny in a swimsuit
What if this text was a song? What if this song was a painting? What if this painting was an action? What if this action were a space? “Corpo Visível”, the title of the first poem by Mário Cesariny, is a project that proposes to develop a transdisciplinary process of mediation and artistic creation with students from two institutions of artistic education in Lisbon and Faro, cities where BoCA 2023 takes place, in a way to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mário Cesariny.
The project assumes itself as a process of inquiry, research and artistic collaboration, linking different artistic territories (poetry, music and visual arts), two national geographies (Lisbon and Faro), two higher education institutions (Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa ) and University of Algarve) and two cultural spaces where the result of this process is presented (MAAT and Museu Municipal de Faro).
The construction of the project brings together Composition students from the Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa and students from the Visual Arts Course at UALG, who conceive, with the artistic coordination of playwright, actress and director Keli Freitas, a hybrid concert-installation format, a freshly painted co-creation, a picnic gone wrong, by the sea.
Artistic coordination: Keli Freitas
Authors: Keli Freitas, Sara Navarro, Ana Roque, João Mendes, Ana Madeira, Beatriz Caetano, Carolina Neves, Daniela Baptista, Duarte Silva, Ester Carrilho, Filipe Costa, Gabriel Silva, Gonçalo Brito, Iara Mendonça, Jéssica Garcia, Ruben Rojas, Larissa Ribeiro, Laura Caseiro, Marco Fernandes, Margarida Assunção, Margarida Sancho, Maria Carvalho, Marina Silveira de Paula, Marta Aleixo, Morgana Formosinho, Paula Franco, Raquel Ribeiro, Rita Moreno, Rúben Dias, Sandra Sanches, Sofia Silva, Teo Ruas, Tomás Silva, Victor Silva
Teacher of the Visual Arts Course at UALG: Sara Navarro Condesso
Introduction to the work of Mário Cesariny: Bernardo Pinto de Almeida
Commission and production: BoCA – Biennial of Contemporary Arts
Partnerships of educational institutions: Superior School of Music of Lisbon, University of Algarve
Partnerships with cultural institutions: MAAT, Faro Municipal Museum
Support: Faro City Council, Lisbon City Council, Millennium BCP Foundation
Acknowledges: Alexandre Barata, Jaime Reis, Mirian Tavares