BoCA Summer School 2020: special registration conditions and 3 fellowships with travels and per diems included

BoCA Summer School 2020
The 4th edition of BoCA Summer School is ready to start. After the BoCA Online program, after two and a half months, we concluded announcing a new partnership with MAAT – RExFORM International Performance Project, dedicated to young artists up to 35 years old, and we’re starting Summer School in July. The first workshop is led by the Argentine choreographer and artist Cecilia Bengolea, during July 15th – 18th, between the inside (studio of the Casa de Dança de Almada) and the outside (Tagus river, Ginjal).
Given the panorama of the current crisis that affects cultural professionals, BoCA Summer School 2020 offers:
– Registration conditions available: 50% reduction of the usual fees in previous editions;
– Special conditions for GDA Foundation Artist Cooperators: payment, mostly, 20€ per workshop;
– Offer of 3 participation fellowships to Portuguese artists: free registration in a workshop of their choice, travel expenses to Lisbon (if applicable) and to the place where the workshop is held, per diems of 25 € / day during workshop days.
Consult here the program of BoCA Summer School 2020