BoCA goes to Vale da Amoreira, May 5 and 6

This is the 4th time that BoCA – Biennial of Contemporary Arts crosses the river and goes to Vale da Amoreira, in Moita, to present a weekend of programming with free admission.
On May 5, Friday, there will be a session for elementary and high school students about BoCA’s programming, under the title “What do I have to do with this?” and, in the foyer at CEA, the screening of the mini-documentary about “O Barco / The Boat” by Grada Kilomba, which will continue throughout the following day.
On Saturday, May 6, in the afternoon, there is a sound and performance workshop with Vuduvum Vadavã, Marta Ângela’s alterego (half of Von Calhau!), who proposes to the participants an inner and outer auditory journey through the spinal flute and other channels of the body. Then, at night, we discover the concert that brings together the Roma music group La Família Gitana with the poet and performer António Poppe, in a musical show that puts into dialogue Camões, Roma music and texts by Yanomami leader Davi Kopenawa.